Unique Weathering Pattern Creates Fascinating Geometric Ripples on a Chain Link Fence – Colossal

Over the past few years, @Ben_On_The_Moon has photographed his chain link fence due to a mysterious weathering pattern that has caused groups of concentric rings to appear on the upper side of the fence’s segments. His macro photographs emphasize the intriguing apparitions, which appear like miniature crop circles on the metal bars. Despite his research, he has not discovered the specific cause of the pattern.[..]

Source: Unique Weathering Pattern Creates Fascinating Geometric Ripples on a Chain Link Fence

About agogo22

Director of Manchester School of Samba at http://www.sambaman.org.uk
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1 Response to Unique Weathering Pattern Creates Fascinating Geometric Ripples on a Chain Link Fence – Colossal

  1. “Looks like crop circles” was my first thought when I saw this …

    Liked by 1 person

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